Not a typical blog post, I know. Don't worry: you'll get more fun in 2015 :)
I can't help but take a few minutes to reflect on how incredible this year has been. I've been blessed in many ways for many years, but nothing compares to the joy in my heart when I look over the year of 2014...
...the endless joy of the long-awaited student teaching experience... one that I had waited on for 6 years since that day halfway through high school that I set forth to prepare to major in music ed, yet one that was worth every second that I had waited...
...the fulfillment of a 7-year dream of one day moving to Indiana to study music at Jacobs School and meet incredibly passionate musicians and amazing people from all over the world...
... the opportunity to give back and show my love and thanks for the teacher who decided at the end of last year that an investment in my career was more valuable than anything that money could buy and decided to teach me for free for 14 weeks so that I could prepare for my previously mentioned 7-year dream...
...the miracle of graduating from one of the best music ed programs in the world with a college degree and all the tools I would need to be successful in all my future endeavors doing what I LOVE to do...
...the honor of witnessing the inspirational and invigorating rise of the Fredericksburg Brass Institute and all it does to help those same young students I devote my life to helping through music... and the honor of expanding strong and healthy friendships through that Institute and even conducting two of my arrangements with one of the student groups at that concert...
...the blessing to finally give back to the loving, caring, and incredibly supportive Church where I grew up, giving a Farewell Recital with my friends, family, and loved ones at First Baptist Church South Richmond before heading out to live that 7-year dream that waited for me in Bloomington...
...the humbling honor and privilege of being asked to write for the nationally known pep band at Virginia Commonwealth University... well as the tear-jerking moments of having one of my closest and most meaningful arrangements performed by a new professional ensemble out of PA, The Brass Roots, at their inaugural concert.....
...forever, right? The dream-come true experiences go on forever. It's like 2014 was powered by the energizer bunny. What's crazy is that I know that 2015 will be even better!! Thanks to everyone who has been a part of my life in any and every way. I love every single one of you because my life would not be what it is today without you.
I need to say that again.
I love *EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.OF.YOU* for being a part of my life at any point this year or at any time in my life, because I would not be where I am today without any of the mountains or the valleys that I have experienced throughout my life. My only new year's resolution for 2015 is that I continue to become a better person, one step at a time, because of the wonderful experiences you all were gracious enough to give me in 2014.
Marcus Grant
Teacher, Composer, Trumpeter
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for some fun surprises in 2015 :)
Previous Blog Post: As The Horizon Expands! (Updates in the world of MSGrantMusic)
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