Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I've Never Been SAVVIER!!

My experiences at the 2014 Fredericksburg Brass Institute led me to meeting Henry Attaway of The Brass Roots, which eventually led to becoming the official composer/arranger in residence with the group and planning a multitude of incredible events between one another.

One of the events that Henry prompted me to take part in was this year's "Savvy Musician In ACTION" Arts Entrepreneurial Workshop. He prompted me of what I could expect in the best way that he possibly could, but there was no way anyone or anything could have accurately prepared me for the inconceivably enlightening, inspiring, invigorating-yet-exhausting experience I had in front of me headed to the 5-day INTENSIVE workshop that took place June 3rd-7th.

The reality of the world I live in has never looked so bright in my life. I've always had a tendency to be ambitious... to dream big... But it's important to always reflect and be honest with oneself; before attending SAVVY, there had always been a part of me that wondered:

Am I being too ambitious? Are these goals really realistic and achievable?

My fabulous Arts Venture Team, "Janet's Band"
I discovered at the workshop that my life goals are not just achievable; they are extremely doable. In a team with 6 of the most intelligent, hardest working, successful, inspiring, committed, DIVERSE people I have ever met in my life, we were pushed to limits I never knew existed, enlightened to an extent I never envisioned achievable, and accomplished far more than I have ever expected from myself. I've always been taught to be efficient in my pursuit for success... to work smarter, not harder. Well, I've got to tell you: "smarter, not harder" was not good enough to achieve what was expected of us at this workshop; we needed both brawn and brains to succeed, and the result of our hard work brought me excitement to the point of tears in front of a group of 60+ music entrepreneurs on our final day, a cathartic reaction that has not happened to me since I was 6 years old. I am determined to bring that Cloud-Nine feeling back into my life again. Thus, I live with a new motto:

Work smarter AND harder.

Since returning from my trip to SAVVY 2 days ago, I have set up a new mailing list via my website, created an official business-related twitter account, launched my brand-new official business email account, set up a detailed and intricate revised version of my post-grad-school business model,  and launched two new huge long-term projects for my future (you'll hear more about both of them if you head to my website and sign up for my mailing list)! I met over 60 incredible and inspiring arts entrepreneurs ages 20-72, and I am determined to keep in touch with as many of them as I possibly can and involve them all in some way with my future endeavors, as they are ALL talented professionals who have changed my life forever.

My new SAVVY family!

I've never been more exhausted in my life, and I know my 60+ new best friends and business partners are experiencing similar sentiments, but the reality is that my SAVVY experience is just beginning. I look out into a beautiful future that holds more adventures than I ever could've imagined a week ago. Thank you, Savvy Musician In Action, for changing my life.

Marcus Grant
Teacher, Composer, Trumpeter

Previous blog post: Playing The National Anthem At The NCAA Tournament Championship Game

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